Membership in the Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (India)
Biomaterials and their applications in Artificial Organs, Medical Devices, Tissue Engineering, Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery are emerging areas for biotechnologists, chemists, physicists, biologists, engineers and medical professionals in India. However, the fundamental and applied research in this multidisciplinary field is still in its incipient stages in India. The objective of this Society will be, not only to cultivate an atmosphere nationwide for the growth of basic and technological oriented research in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs but also to bring the professionals from various faculties together to improve the quality of their approach in future research. This will be done by communicating to all members, by developing a Society’s newsletter and also by arranging workshop with laboratory demonstrations, where learning and exchange of relevant concepts can be stimulated every year.
Life Members
All individuals without any discrimination of race, sex or nationality, who subscribe to the Objectives of the Society, according to the Rules & Regulations and pay in full the membership fee are enrolled as Life Members. Indian Nationals (working/studying in India) and Indian National & Foreign Nationals (working/studying abroad) will be enrolled as Life Members (National) and Life Members (International) respectively with all the privileges of a Life Member, with voting rights.
Associate Members
Any full time student or recent graduate, if not currently employed or pursuing additional training in the field of biomaterials and artificial organs, is eligible for Associate Membership and can become an Associate Member by the payment of an yearly fee of Rs. 2000/-. They have to renew their membership by paying Rs. 2000/- next year. They will be automatically converted to or become an active Life Member (National) with full rights on payment of Rs. 2000/ on the third consecutive year onwards. An Associate Member shall have no voting rights and shall not hold office in the Society, but may be appointed to serve on committees.
Organizational Members
All recognized bodies, institutions or organizations, who subscribe to the Objectives of the Society, according to the Rules & Regulations and pay in full the membership fee are enrolled as Organizational Members with all the privileges, with voting rights.
Awardee Members
All MAHE Young Scientist Awardees, Bajpai-Saha Student Awardees and Best Poster Awardees are enrolled as SBAOI Awardee Members from the year of the Award. This is a Lifetime Membership with all the privileges of a Life Member, but without voting rights.
Membership Applications
National Memberships
Any person eligible for National Memberships (Life Member (national), Organizational Member (national) and Associate Member) may on his application be admitted as a member of the Society. They can either (1) Register and pay online* by clicking the register & pay online button below OR (2) Fill the attached Membership Application Form and send the payment via NEFT or by Demand Draft.
*online payments will attract 2.5% bank charges
Download Membership Application Form 
International Memberships
Any person eligible for International Memberships (Life Member – International and Organizational Member – International) may on his application be admitted as a member of the Society. They have to fill the attached membership application form and send the payment via SWIFT using the bank details provided below. Alternatively they can pay equivalent INR from Indian Bank Accounts via NEFT transfer.
- (LM) Life Member, National: Rs 6000.00 (Citizens working / studying in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka)
- (FM) Life Member, International: US$ 100.00 (Persons working / studying abroad)
- (OM) Organizational Member, National: Rs 20000.00 (Companies / Institutes / Organizations incorporated in India)
- (OMF) Organizational Member, International: US$ 300.00 (Companies / Institutes / Organizations incorporated abroad)
- (AM) Associate Member: Rs 2000.00 per year (Any full time student or recent graduate, if not currently employed or pursuing additional training)
- (LMA) Life Member, Awardee: Rs 0.00 (All MAHE Young Scientist Awardees, Bajpai-Saha Student Awardees and Best Poster Awardees of respective year) – Apply along with the membership application form and copy of the award certificate
Life Member
Organizational Member
Associate Member
Click the above link, Fill the required details and Select the payment option and complete the process. You will receive an automated payment receipt. You will also be intimated about your membership status in 3-5 working days.
Bank Details for NEFT (national) and SWIFT (international) transactions
Bank: State Bank of India Branch: Poojappura (branch code 70032)
Branch Address: Lakshmi Chambers, Opp. Pareeksha Bhavan, Poojappura 695012, Thiruvananthapuram, India
Account Holder: Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs-India
Account Number: 40977140926
Account Type: Current Account
IFSC Code: SBIN0070032 (for national payments)
SWIFT Code: SBININBBT08 (for international payments)
If paying by Demand Draft or Cheque it should be payable at “Thiruvananthapuram”, and in favor of “Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs”
Benefits of Membership
Members can interact with all the scientists/faculty working in biomaterials, medical devices and tissue engineering field. Can attend the Conferences and Workshops organized by SBAOI in India at a reduced member rates. Can attend World Biomaterials Congresses and other International Conferences organized by the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science & Engineering or its constituent Societies at a discounted registration rates. Free news letter and online subscription to the journal published by SBAOI.